Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tanzania camp at Edmund Rice Sinon

After the 5 hour trip we arrived at Edmund Rice school just outside Arusha. After a quick tour around, we met the children, eager faced singing,laughing and curious at these 9 muzungus (foreigners) that had appeared from nowhere. We joined them in the food hall to share what would be our first meal together of beans and rice and hands. AFter being beckoned in all directions to sit and join the kids we realised the language barrier that would affect us for the following days.words were few but smiles and hospitality plentiful. Over the course of the camp we realised the impact and importance language plays in communication, overcoming this and learning to reach out beyond words to smile and play was the greatest challenge. Each of us had such unique experiences with individual children and left touched. TOgether we sang, danced (and these kids can move ), drew, ate and played together.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Good luck everyone! It's going to be an exciting few days, no doubt!
John Marshall